Navigating the Home Dashboard

Auxita's home page displays four sections upon logging in: Awaiting Signature, Awaiting Review, Reminders and Requests and Messages.

A summary of the overall number of action items appears at the top of the home section, followed by a breakdown of the action items in each category.   

undefined-Jul-21-2023-06-20-17-8672-PM NOTE It is possible to see more (or less) features, or items to review on your dashboard depending on your account and role type in Auxita.

Click each section to review

Awaiting Signature

Awaiting Review  

Requests and Messages

Awaiting Signature  

As a Prescriber, you can authorize and sign Enrolments, Prior Authorization forms, Documents, and any other items requiring your attention directly from the Dashboard. 

  1. Begin by clicking on Sign Form button or on the underlined Form.
    The Awaiting Signature section indicating where you can click to sign a form.

  2. This will prompt the form or document to open.
  3. Once authorized and signed, the patient's profile or the program section status table will reflect the signature.
  4. Once submitted, the form or document will no longer appear on the dashboard as Awaiting Signature.  
  5. If there are additional items waiting for signature, prescribers will be prompted to sign the next form without having to exit back to the dashboard each time.

undefined-Jul-21-2023-06-19-28-0296-PMTIP The dashboard is filtered automatically from oldest to newest. You can filter it by clicking the arrows pointing up and down on the last updated tab.  

Awaiting Review

Any Auxita user that has items awaiting review such as Enrolments, Prior Authorization forms or Documents, can view the status on the Dashboard.  

Items will appear here when they are assigned to you for review, like an informational document. Or when a digital form is In Progress and the Assigned to user is set to you. 

undefined-Jul-21-2023-06-20-17-8672-PM NOTE The Awaiting Signature section is dedicated to items that have been sent for a Prescriber's signature. These items will not appear in the Awaiting Review section. 

1. Begin by clicking on the View button or on the underlined Form title. 

The Awaiting Review section indicating where to click to view a form.

2. This will prompt the form or document to open.

3. Once viewed, you can either action or reassign the form or document. For tips to reassign, check out this article: How to Assign an Enrolment to a Colleague.

undefined-Aug-14-2023-04-59-58-4176-PM NOTE Once reassigned the form or document will no longer appear on your dashboard, but it will still appear under the patient/program sections. 

undefined-Jul-21-2023-06-19-28-0296-PM TIP Some items can be cleared from the dashboard. After you have viewed the item, click the X to remove it. This only removes the notification from your dashboard and the item still appears under the patient/program sections.

Requests and Messages 

The Requests and Messages section indicating where you can access messages

Messages act as a general inbox on the Home page. You can select a message, reply, mark it as unread or close it.  

A preview of the pop up on what appears on the screen when actioning the messages section.

For more details on how to send a secure message, check out the following article: How to Send Secure Messages.

Requests are asking you to upload a Document securely to Auxita. The request can come from a Patient Support Program or another user within your Auxita Facility.  

For more details on completing document requests, check out the following article: How to Complete a Document Request

The Request tab of the Requests and Messages section where you can see which documents were requested.

undefined-Jul-21-2023-06-19-28-0296-PM TIP The messages or requests are filtered automatically from unread - to read.   


When users submit a digital Prior Authorization through Auxita, the expiry date is automatically set a year out. Or users can easily set the expiry date for their Prior Authorizations which is notified in the reminders section on the Home Dashboard to action.  

To act, click the patient's name to be brought to their profile and review under the Prior Authorizations tile.  
For more information check out this article: How to activate Prior Authorization reminders And How to Renew Prior Authorization