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Set up your Favourite Support Programs

Learn how to save your Favourite program forms.

  1. Select Settings from the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Scroll to the tile Program Favourites.
  3. Search the full list of Programs available by clicking into the Search Bar, or begin typing the name of the Program / Form you’d like to Favourite.
    A window in Auxita highlighting the Settings button in the left-hand menu.
  4. Select the desired Program or Form. Your selected favourites will populate in the list on the Program Favourites tile. If you wish to remove any click the trash can icon next to the favourite.
    Programs Favourites page where you can add/remove favourite programs
  5. When using Auxita, your Favourites appear at the top of the Programs section and in a Patient's Profile when starting an enrolment.

undefined-May-16-2023-07-08-22-5918-PM You can also manage your favourites from the search tile in the Programs section.

The New Enrolment window showing the search bar or the options to select a favourite.

 undefined-May-16-2023-07-08-22-5918-PM TIP You can Favourite up to five Support Programs.