Learn how to save an electronic version of your signature in Auxita. This allows Healthcare Providers to quickly sign forms with a single click.
You can save your electronic signature to quickly sign forms within Auxita.
- Select Account from the left-hand menu.
- Scroll to the Signature tile and click the Create button.
- Use your mouse or trackpad to draw your signature in the space provided and if toggled to enter the desired 4-digit PIN.
- If you’d like to secure your electronic signature with a PIN, check the box For additional security, create a unique Account PIN to be associated with a saved signature.
- Then, enter the desired 4-digit PIN and Confirm the PIN.
- Click Save.
- You can Remove or Edit your saved signature at any time. If you choose to edit your signature, you will be prompted to choose a reason for the change.
NOTE If you forget your PIN, you can always Edit your signature and set a new PIN or continue without the pin feature at that time.
If you choose to remove the PIN you will need to recreate the electronic signature