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Saving your Signature

Learn how to save an electronic version of your signature in Auxita. This allows Healthcare Providers to quickly sign forms with a single click.

You can save your electronic signature to quickly sign forms within Auxita.

  1. Select Account from the left-hand menu.
  2. Scroll to the Signature tile and click the Create button.
  3. Use your mouse or trackpad to draw your signature in the space provided and if toggled to enter the desired 4-digit PIN.

    A screenshot of the signature tile indicating where to enter your signature, and the PIN toggle if the physician wants to add the security feature
  4. If you’d like to secure your electronic signature with a PIN, check the box For additional security, create a unique Account PIN to be associated with a saved signature.
  5. Then, enter the desired 4-digit PIN and Confirm the PIN. 
  6. Click Save.
  7. You can Remove or Edit your saved signature at any time. If you choose to edit your signature, you will be prompted to choose a reason for the change.
List of reasons for changing your signature including name change, signature change, forgot account PIN and other.

Pencil icon NOTE If you forget your PIN, you can always  Edit  your signature and set a new PIN or continue without the pin feature at that time. 

If you choose to remove the PIN you will need to recreate the electronic signature