Add a Financial Assistance Card details, in addition to Punlic and Private Insurance, to a patient's profile in the Coverage Details section.
NOTE: The patient must have an enrolment form started for this feature to be available.
To record a Financial Assistance Card:
1. Go to the Patients section.
2. Select an existing patient or Create Patient.
3. Choose the Program Overview tab along the top.
4. Scroll down to Financial Assistance, within the Coverage Details section.
5. Click the Card + option.
6. When entering the details, Enrolment and Card Number are required fields. All other fields are not required.
Use the Notes section to add any additional information that you may need to reference, like Provider or Adjudication Position.
7. Select Save to finish adding the Financial Assistance Card details for the patient.
Add multiple Financial Assistance Cards to a patient's profile if needed.
Once a Financial Assistance card has been added you can view, edit or delete.
Select the “eye” icon to view, the pencil icon to edit, and the trash can icon to delete.