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  2. Managing Patients

How to Merge Duplicate Patient Profiles

Any user who is a Facility Admin in Auxita can now merge duplicate patient profiles by consolidating duplicate profiles.

Facility Admins can maintain a clean and organized database, enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of patient information management within the platform.

Steps to Merge Duplicate Patient Profiles in Auxita 

  1. Locate the duplicate patient profile in Auxita. 
  2. Decide which patient profile you want to keep. This profile becomes the Primary      Patient.
    A screenshot showing where to select a patient from the patient list.
  3. Go to the Profile tab of the desired Primary Patient. 
  4. Click on the ellipses (three dots) in the top right corner.
    A screenshot pointing to click on the ellipses (three dots) in the top right corner.
  5. Select Merge Patient Records
  6. When prompted, search for and select the duplicate patient profile. An arrow is pointing to the secondary patient area of the screen.
  7. Click Next and follow the prompts to resolve any merge conflicts. 
  8. Choose which data to retain, selecting information from either the Primary or Secondary Patient.
  9. Carefully review all the data on the Confirmation screen. 
    The image displays the demographics of the 2 patients prior to merging.
    This image displays merge conflicts to confirm before proceeding with merging patients.

    The option to merge the primary patient and secondary patient insurances is displayed.

Pencil icon NOTE When reviewing the insurance details, if the patient has multiple private or public plans entered, you can select up to three private and one public plan from the patient the options shown on the Merge Conflicts. 

Pencil iconNOTE Ensure you are satisfied with the selections and want to proceed, as the merging cannot be undone. 

10. If everything is correct, click Merge.

An arrow pointing to the merge button is displayed.

11. Once merged, there will be a Success message indicating that the patient was merged into the patient record.


A confirmation of a successful merge is shown here.

Pencil iconNOTE All records from both profiles will be combined into the Primary Patient’s profile. The Secondary Patient profile will be deleted and cannot be recovered.