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  2. Managing Patients

How to Create a Patient Profile

Learn how to create a patient profile in Auxita.

There are a few ways to create a patient profile within Auxita.

Manually Create a Patient

Go to the Patients section and select Create Patient; this allows you to set up a patient’s profile in Auxita.

  Screen Shot of the Create Patient button from the Patients screen.


Lightbulb icon TIP Required fields are indicated with an asterisk*, in order to save a patient.

Create Patient during Enrolment

From the Programs section begin a new program enrolment. Launching an enrolment form provides the option to create a patient profile, if the patient does not already exist in Auxita.Prompt to search or create patient after initiating an enrolment form.

Create patients in bulk

You can import a list of patients directly into Auxita with a CSV file. Typically this CSV file is generated from your EMR.

How to Upload Patient Profiles to Auxita from your EMR