When users submit a digital Prior Authorization through Auxita, they can easily set the expiry date for their Prior Authorizations (PAs).
Steps to set Expiry & Reminders
1. Begin by completing a PA Prior Authorization) by following the steps here: How to initiate a Digital Prior Authorization NOTE By default, all Prior Authorizations will expire 1 year after the submission date.
2. From the patient's profile, navigate to the Patients section on the Prior Authorizations tile and input the desired PA Expiry date by clicking the three ellipses and clicking Set Expiry & Reminder.
3. In the dropdown menu select the date and days desired.
NOTE Set custom reminder periods for Prior Authorization expirations. The system allows users to select reminder periods of 120, 90, 60, or 30 days, overriding the default 90-day setting.
When a Prior Authorization form is submitted, Auxita automatically sets an expiry date one year from the submission date. Users are notified when this date is set, reminding them to update it upon Prior Authorization approval.
NOTE If a PA is about to expire a notification will appear in the reminders tile of the Home dashboard along with a popup on the patients profile under the PAs.
NOTE Once Opted in, reminders will now appear on the Home dashboard and will be included as expiration reminders in the daily summary emails from Settings.
4. Click on the count at the top of the Home page to quickly jump to the corresponding section, like when you want to review your upcoming reminders.